You are at the right place to find the Drug Database!

All medicine list

We constantly update the drugs names in india and add new sections on subjects that affect medication cost and availability. Please email us if you have any information or recommendations that might be useful to our project.

Drug Index is gathered from multiple sources. That said, it takes time and money to manage, update and make these data available to the public, so suggestions are welcome which will encourage us to make additions to the drug database.

drug database

What this All medicine name list contains?

The list of medicines in this database is in Excel format. The use of this drug database of India will help to streamline the process of prescribing these medicines. A pharmaceutical drugs list for India could prevent medical mistakes like overdose or poisoning that can happen when patients are prescribed drugs from different pharmaceutical companies which have the same generic name.

Patients, Pharmacist and doctors need a single best medicine database with clear, accurate and up-to-date information on medicines approved by the government and manufactured by more than one company so they know what they’re getting.


Available Information of
drug formulary

Fields marked as “Yes” indicate the availability of the respective information,
while those marked as “No” indicate the absence of information in the corresponding data.

Sr No Information 1.33Lac+ Data 4.1lac+ Data
1 Product ID Yes Yes
2 Product Name Yes Yes
3 MRP (₹) Yes Yes
4 Name of Manufacturer Yes Yes
5 Salt Composition / Ingredients Yes Yes
6 Packing Type Yes Yes
7 Packaging No Yes
8 Packing Qty No Yes
9 Product Form No Yes
10 Primary Usage Yes Yes
11 Side Effects Yes Yes
12 Pregnancy Related Information Yes Yes
13 Product and Alcohol Interaction Yes Yes
14 Breast Feeding Related Information Yes Yes
15 Storage Information Yes Yes
16 Effects of Missed Dosage Yes Yes
17 Expert Advice Yes Yes
18 How to Use Yes Yes
19 FAQs Yes Yes
20 Introduction about product No Yes
21 Benefits of product No Yes
22 Description of product No Yes
23 Product and Driving Interaction No Yes
24 Product and Kidney Interaction No Yes
25 Product and Liver Interaction No Yes
26 IGST Yes No
27 HSN Yes No
28 Schedule Yes No
29 About Salt Yes No
30 Mechanism of Action Yes No
31 Pharmacokinets Yes No
32 Onset of Action Yes No
33 Duration of Action Yes No
34 Half Life Duration Yes No
35 Contra-indications Yes No
36 Special Precautions while taking Yes No
37 Old Age Related Information Yes No
38 Children Related Information Yes No
39 Indications Yes No
40 Interactions Yes No
41 Typical Dosage Yes No
42 Effects of Overdose Yes No

We have compiled the most comprehensive list of Indian medicines and drug database

The DataRequisite’s Pharma Drug Database is an exhaustive list of drugs to be used by those in the healthcare industry.

This drug product database can be used by any digital healthcare platform. The DataRequisite team is having the experienced professionals and that is why the List of Medicines that it offers has a wide range of marketing products for medical, pharma, and healthcare verticals. The data is having as much as medicine information available.

To know more details about this complete Drug data bank, contact us now!

You may know of some of the big pharmaceutical companies in India – but did you know that there are over 3,000 Indian pharma companies? You can find detailed records or drugs names in india produced by these companies on this Indian medicine database– allowing for increased efficiency and convenience. Using Data Requisite Medicine Database, patients will have easy access to information about salts and every single company and product available for sale. Here’s why this Drug Database is necessary; when someone has a medical emergency and needs urgent treatment without delay, it can take quite a bit of time for them to find out from the medicine list which drug they need- often resulting in life-threatening consequences.

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